
Performances with this keyword: 
Performance People Performed at Fesival/Occasion
Auge () Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre (Alexandria, Egypt)
Heracles () Timesitheus (Dramatist)
Alcestis (between 511 and 476 BC) Phrynichus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Antaeus (Libyans) (between 511 and 476 BC) Phrynichus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Heracleidae (Children of Heracles) (between 499 and 456 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Kerykes (Heralds) (between 499 and 456 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Prometheus Luomenos (Unbound) (between 499 and 456 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Cerberus (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Heracleiskos (Infant Heracles) (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Heracles (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
The Satyrs at Taenarum (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Trachiniae (Women of Trachis) (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Auge (between 455 and 408 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Eurystheus (between 455 and 408 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Syleus (between 455 and 408 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Omphale (between 451 and 421 BC) Ion (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Linus (between 447 and 405 BC) Achaeus I (of Eretria) (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Omphale (between 447 and 405 BC) Achaeus I (of Eretria) (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Alcestis (438 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Peirithous (between 430 and 403 BC) Critias (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Perikaiomenus Heracles (between 424 and 404 BC) Spintharus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Heracles (between 420 and 410 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Sisyphus (415 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Birds (414 BC) Aristophanes (Dramatist) Callistratus (Manager/Producer) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Philoctetes (409 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Heracleidae (between 408 and 388 BC) Pamphilus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Limos (between 406 and 367 BC) Dionysius (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica), Theatre (Syracuse, Sicily ), Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica), Theatre (Syracuse, Sicily )
Frogs (405 BC) Aristophanes (Dramatist) Philonides (Manager/Producer) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) Lenaea
Heracles (between 372 and 340 BC) Astydamas II (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Heracles (between 362 and 321 BC) Diogenes (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Heracles (between 285 and 246 BC) Lycophron (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Alexandria, Egypt)
Heracles (between 276 and 219 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Delphi, Greece) Soteria
Heracles (between 276 and 219 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Argos, Peloponnese) Heraia
Hesione (between 235 and 201 BC) Naevius (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
The madness of Heracles (between 22 BC and 14 AD) Augustus (Host) Pylades (Pantomime dancer) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy) Banquet
The madness of Heracles (between 22 BC and 14 AD) Pylades (Pantomime dancer) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Hercules (between 53 and 54 AD) Seneca (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Hercules on Oeta (between 65 and 115 AD) Seneca (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)