Performances with this keyword:
Performance | People | Performed at | Fesival/Occasion |
Acharnians (425 BC) | Aristophanes (Dramatist) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) | Lenaea |
Cheimazomenoi (Tossed by the storm) (425 BC) | Cratinus (Dramatist) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) | Lenaea |
Satyroi (The Satyrs) (424 BC) | Cratinus (Dramatist) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) | Lenaea |
Clouds (423 BC) | Aristophanes (Dramatist) Callistratus (Manager/Producer) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) | City Dionysia |
Konnos (423 BC) | Ameipsias (Dramatist) | Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) | City Dionysia |
Cratinus (between 190 and 168 BC) | Statius Caecilius (Dramatist) | Unknown venue (Rome, Italy) |