
Performances with this keyword: 
Performance People Performed at Fesival/Occasion
Procris (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Eumenides (458 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Xenocles (Sponsor/Choregos) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Babylonians (426 BC) Aristophanes (Dramatist) Callistratus (Manager/Producer) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Suppliant women (between 425 and 420 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Erechtheus (423 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Wasps (422 BC) Aristophanes (Dramatist) Philonides (Manager/Producer) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) Lenaea
Lysistrata (411 BC) Aristophanes (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) Lenaea
Chalcia (The Coppersmith's holiday) (between 190 and 168 BC) Statius Caecilius (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Phaedra (between 49 and 53 AD) Seneca (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)