APGRD archive items relating to numerous productions of Medea

Interactive Multimedia eBooks

The APGRD is delighted to have received an AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) Follow-On Funding Award to produce two interactive/multimedia eBooks.

The eBooks, on the performance histories of Medea and Agamemnon, draw on our existing published research, considerably enhanced by our photographic, audio and video archival material as well as bespoke interviews and performances from scholars and theatre practitioners.

The eBooks are designed to appeal to a greater variety of audiences from across the globe – in schools, universities, in the creative industries, and amongst the wider public. They are  both free to download.

Medea, a performance history

front cover to Medea, a performance history, with illustrations by Thom Cuschieri







Agamemnon, a performance history

front cover to Agamemnon, a performance history, with illustrations by Thom Cuschieri








eBook Creation Toolkit

In addition, the project produced an eBook Creation Toolkit to enable others to create their own interactive/multimedia ebooks. The Toolkit is freely available under a creative commons licence: READ THE TOOLKIT HERE (CC-BY-SA)


AHRC Follow-On Funding Award AH/M008762/1

Your Feedback

Love our eBooks? Think they could be improved? Have you used them for teaching, research or creative work, or read them for pleasure? We would love to hear from you!

If you have any feedback we would be grateful if you could take the time to complete a short survey (anonymous).

Alternatively, feel free to email us your thoughts at:  apgrd@classics.ox.ac.uk